We are here for
Missouri Dealers. 

Providing education and looking out for our collective interest in the capital.

What is the MOIADA?

MOIADA stands for Missouri Independent Auto Dealers Association. For over 45 years the association has assisted dealers with all aspects of the auto industry.  When dealers get into trouble they often call us for help and we are here to help!  Without an association (MOIADA) and proper representation, laws could pass that would seriously impact your business.  New bills are generally are introduced with good intentions but without proper wording and review by experienced car dealers, could have a very negative effect on the industry and your business.  The MOIADA is here for independent dealers to learn how to be successful, to protect the industry from unfair and unnecessary regulations, and to help keep your voice in the ears of lawmakers.
Write your awesome label here.

MOIADA Member Code of Ethics:

  • We will have a general duty of integrity, honor, and fair dealing toward the general public.
  • We will comply with all city, county, state, and federal laws and shall endeavor to keep ourselves informed of those laws governing our industry.
  • We will not intentionally injure the business reputation of another member or competitor.
  • We will employ truth and accuracy in advertising and selling.
  • We will stand behind any guarantee given with the sale of a motor vehicle
  • We will not perform any act which would bring disrupt to the motor vehicle industry.
  • We will expose or halt any scheme designed to deceive or defraud the auto buying public.
  • We will constantly strive to improve business methods to better serve the public.
  • We will encourage the American way of the free enterprise system.

Why choose us?

Training methods

We guarantee an exceptional experience with flexible learning paths and professional guidance.

We are here for you

We are here for dealers to educate, protect, and lobby for your interest.

Discuss with others

Be a member and take the time to learn from other members on how to be successful.